

With version 2.52.0, with database 2.33 the performance of the Keyline electronics expands, with a new set of keys in the proprietary database.

For NinjaNinja LaserNinja VortexNinja TotalSigma Pro and Dezmo it is possible to carry out massive deletion of Instacode, Promaster and DAT work queues, in order to improve the user experience with faster and more orderly management.

In the equipment of Gymkana 994Dezmo994 LaserNinjaNinja LaserNinja Vortex and Ninja Total has been added the China region and the translation of brands and models in Chinese language for the Chinese machine variants.

Ninja Total and Ninja Vortex can now decode the Evva 3KS keys (no 3KS Plus).

Ninja Vortex introduces support for C30 clamp, for dimple and laser keys, as an alternative to C01 and A01 clamps.

Finally, the features of Gymkana 994 increase with the support for the new U clamp with shoulder stop, for V clamp for Volkswagen keys, for S clamp for Simplex keys and the support for H clamp for Tibbe keys.

Click here for new  994 Laser keys!

Click here for new  Ninja Laser keys!

Click here for new  Ninja Vortex keys!

Click here for new Ninja Total keys!

Click here for new Ninja keys!

Click here for new Dezmo keys!

Click here for new Gymkana 994 keys!